Faces of ECI: Meet Bill Martin

This “Faces of ECI” profile focuses on Project Management Director Bill Martin. Bill, who has been with Exhibit Concepts since 2017, brings an experienced eye and down-to-earth perspective. From his Ohio roots to heavy metal, Bill is opening up in our latest “Faces of ECI” profile.

When did your career at Exhibit Concepts begin?

I began working at Exhibit Concepts in May 2017.

Explain your role?

As the director of project management, my job is to lead the project management team, help develop personnel and ensure that clients receive unparalleled support. 

Describe your most impactful client moment?

I’ve had some really impactful moments with clients here, there are three that come to mind. Most recently, we designed, built and installed a children’s gallery at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center in Arkansas. The goal was to show that even though we’re very different, we’re all really more the same. This was a very interactive engagement at the museum to allow kids to go through and learn about the similarities and differences of people and how that makes us amazing when we come together. When the museum staff came in and saw the graphics coming in, after all the hard work that went in to the design and production and install, they had tears in their eyes and they were just overjoyed with what we did.

I was also invited to go back for the grand opening and to see how the children interacted with the things they were learning was really just an amazing experience. 

What do you like most about Exhibit Concepts?

The culture at Exhibit Concepts is what drew me here and what has kept me here. In my five years, I’ve seen so many people come together to overcome things. It’s just amazing how everyone in the company comes together to achieve a common goal.


Favorite food?


Favorite Band or Musician?

I’d actually have to say there are two that are very, very equal. One would be Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks. I love to hear her sing, even in her solo career, but as a band they just gelled so well together. On the other side, Pantera. I just love Pantera. I hate that they’re not together anymore.

Favorite movie?

Bloodsport. Jean-Claude Van Damme. I could watch it every time it comes on. I just love the fight choreography.

Favorite author or book?

I like to read books on leadership and training and education. I’m pretty much a non-fiction type of guy.

What is your ideal place to live?

I truly love living here in Ohio. I love the Midwest. I like seasons. Where I live now is a house that’s been in the family. It’s got land and is surrounded by farm land. I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

What is a super power you wish you had? Why?

It would be the ability to transport myself and people that I love anywhere in the world. There are so many amazing things to see in this world, so many awesome places to go, and so little time. 

What charitable cause is important to you?

Pink Ribbon Good. It’s a local charity that supports those going through reproductive cancer. When my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and we needed that support, they were there at every turn and gave so much moral, physical and financial support. Everybody should give to them.


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