Two Cities, Two Museums, One Common Mission

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times – this can be said for the business of nuclear science. While the work of nuclear research and development brought prosperity, it also signified the threat of war. Two cities – Miamisburg, Ohio and Oak Ridge, Tennessee were once top-secret epicenters at the leading edge of the Nuclear Age. In 2018, Exhibit Concepts played a big role in the tale of these two cities.

The Mound Science and Energy Museum in Miamisburg once housed a facility that was on the leading edge of the Nuclear Age. Mound was heavily involved in research and production of polonium-based igniters in support of the Cold War. Detonators were manufactured and tested at Mound and the facility also worked in tritium recovery. Today, the museum informs visitors about the people who worked at this site over the course of 50 years to help win the Cold War and fuel space exploration.

The American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge has a complex story that includes the development of nuclear weapons for the Manhattan Project. AMSE features exhibits that delve into the science behind light, color, sound, electricity, weapons, robotics, atoms, and much more. The museum educates the public on Oak Ridges’ contribution to the Manhattan Project and offers innovative, hands-on learning experiences in a real world setting for visitors as well as STEM students.

We are proud to have had a part in bringing the tale of these two cities to life. The Manhattan Project will forever live in history, but new chapters have begun at the Mound Cold War Discovery Center and the American Museum of Science and Energy where the wonders of science and innovation will continue to inspire for generations.


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