American museum of
science & Energy (AMSE)

Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, this museum shares a complex story that includes the development of the nuclear bomb through the Manhattan Project and continued innovations of the Oak Ridge National Library. Incorporating a variety of interactive and AV components, the new museum engages visitors in scientific discovery. The museum gives a dramatic overview of historic Oak Ridge sites including the Manhattan Project, and the modern-day facilities that are continuing the ground-breaking work.

Large graphics and artifact displays help tell the story of nuclear fusion and fission, along with scientific development pioneered in Oak Ridge, including renewable energy and supercomputers.

Project Overview

  • Project Size: 6,200 sq. ft.
  • Completion Date: 2018
  • Scope of Work: Fabrication, Installation

Designer: Hilferty & Associates


Case Study: Timelines & Teamwork

Blog: Timelines & Teamwork: The AMSE Story