NEXT Lab™ Unveils boothOS Product Package

Months after installing Bradley Livesay as its new director, NEXT Lab™ is announcing the unveiling of its new boothOS product package ahead of its EXHIBITORLIVE debut.

boothOS is NEXT Lab and Exhibit Concepts’ newest service offering providing a unique approach to digital trade show offerings. Ranging from content management to lead capturing to gamification, boothOS is the future of centralized, dedicated, and accessible digital exhibit management.

What is boothOS?

boothOS is taking the trouble out of the digital presence of trade shows by streamlining and prioritizing the process.

Is internet available on the show floor?

Has video content been loaded onto a player?

Is everyone using an iOS device?

boothOS is not only addressing common concerns but is eliminating these frequent pain points by implementing needs early into the design process. It allows the Exhibit Concepts team to optimize the intent, reach, and scope of projects.

Making use of NEXT Lab’s proven success in creating meaningful, digital engagements; boothOS encompasses everything from content creation, such as video, photography and animations, to software development, such as interactives, gamifications and VExP offerings.

Whether simply capturing leads, supporting a gamification experience, utilizing a custom-made app or website, or showcasing a variety of mixed content, the NEXT Lab team and boothOS have the capability to turn any dream into reality.

How does it work?

boothOS utilizes local network servers to centralize digital assets and needs. In doing so, boothOS is eliminating costly Wi-Fi rental and putting an end to spotty internet concerns. Best of all, the cost-effective option can be tailored to fit specific needs and integrate seamlessly into the booth infrastructures.

Going hand-in-hand with boothOS, NEXT Lab also offers state-of-the-art tech package services and rentals that include computing devices, media players, inputs, triggers, support, and more. Whether at a desktop, on a tablet, or in a display, boothOS can be integrated into any device at the show.

In utilizing boothOS, Exhibit Concepts’ dedicated, on-site project management service eliminates strain put on installation teams forced to piece together incomplete, tech puzzles.

boothOS continues Exhibit Concepts’ legacy as a one-stop shop for any experiential environment need.

Want to see boothOS in action?

Exhibit Concepts and the NEXT Lab team are heading to EXHIBITORLIVE.

The booth (#934) will feature a variety of digital engagements including custom gamification, a lead retrieval app, eight experiential videos, a touchscreen monitor, a website showcase, testimonial videos, capability deck and LinkedIn QR codes. The exclusive content will all be presented in a fully immersive experience utilizing tablets, a large LED wall, custom audio and lighting, plus a rumble floor and scent diffuser.

You can catch the experiential environment at EXHIBITORLIVE at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center from June 21-23, 2022. 


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