Faces of ECI: Meet Jenny Ward

The “Faces of ECI” campaign highlights the incredible talent behind the unforgettable, magical experiential environments that we produce for our clients.

In this installment, we’re featuring Jenny Ward, Account Executive.

We were able to catch up with Jenny to learn more about her personally and what motivates her professionally, as one of our most experienced account executives for ECI!

1. What year did you start working for ECI?

I started as an Account Manager at ECI in the Summer of 2004. 

2. What role do you play for ECI?

I’ve been in my current role as an Account Executive for more than 13 years now.

3. Where do you find inspiration?

Almost anywhere and sometimes in places I’d least expect it; at the store, gym, and online! 

4. What are your secret (or not-so-secret) talents outside of the office? 

Definitely interior decorating… I love to help family and friends with home design projects! And I find myself being a computer problem solver.  I tend to be everyone’s go-to IT person outside of work. 

5. What are your top three favorite ECI projects?

P&G Strategic Plan Development for Community of Partners – 2017

The Community of Partners Campaign Strategy and Event was created by ECI. Andy Butler, P&G’s Associate Director of Supplier Citizenship & Innovation during this time wanted to create a gathering place to promote their “star” strategic partners at two primary supplier diversity shows they attended. The vibe, interaction, and overall success of this initiative is still one of my favorites today!

Regal AHR Design & Engagement 2018

The design and engagements to best promote their product and services solutions were delivered above client expectations and the “New Product Launch” projection wall was a crowd pleaser for all.

CPG/Azek–International Builders Show 2013 and 2018

Timertech/Azek Building Products is in my top picks at ECI. This exhibit illustrates the expert craftmanship that ECI production team produces and our set-up teams deliver. It was stunning.

6. Your most proud moment with ECI?

On a personal level…being in the right place at the right time when a fellow exhibitor needed help. Situations like this never leave you… I will always be grateful that I was in the right place at the right moment to offer assistance to Ron when he needed it the most.

On a professional level…I love to bring new ideas to clients to create winning strategies & engaging exhibits to best promote their products and services to their audience.

In 2017, the hard work paid off! Our team kicked butt and I earned the $6 Million Club in Sales and Most Revenue for that year.

7. What is your absolute dream job?

To be retired LOL. I’m kidding (kind of). But honestly, I do love my job! Helping clients execute their vision has been a passion of mine since Day 1.

8. If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?

I think “Mystique” for us X-Men fans… she can transform into anything and anyone. A very suitable superpower in this industry!

9. Tell us about a time you witnessed an ECI team member go above and beyond.

I’Jenny Ward ExhibitorLive 2019ve seen so many in my time that it’s hard to pinpoint just one. This company and the people I work with are incredible. It’s “all hands on deck” on a regular basis. There have been several individuals I’ve worked with over the years who consistently go above what’s required to get things done time and time again. I firmly believe it’s for this reason that we have so many long-standing clients and prolonged success.

10. What food can you not live without?

I love veggies! Especially, eggplant and Brussel sprouts are my favorite.

11. What is your greatest fear?

Being a disappointment to others.

12. Most used emoji?

13. What is one WOW moment you’ve experienced at ECI that you’ll never forget?

I’d have to say watching my client’s reaction when she won the Best of Show-Sizzle Award at an event. She was so excited and ECI delivered well beyond expectations on the creative side. Kudos to Chris Rank (pictured, center) on designing the engagement!

We hope you enjoyed learning more about Jenny, our 15-year #TeamECI veteran! 


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