Three Steps to Brand Consistency

Chicago Pneumatic

Your brand has a logo, a website, and a slogan. You have probably established a mission or company vision, but is your brand consistent? Brand consistency means no matter where someone encounters your brand, it looks, feels, and acts the same across all touchpoints. This means your lobby conveys the same message as your trade show space and website does—there’s no confusion about who you are, what you offer, and the value you add for customers.

Brand consistency is important internally too; it ensures your team is on the same page and communicating the same message to both customers and prospects. So, how can you make sure your brand is consistent and employees are all on the same page? We identified three steps that can get you started in the right direction.


When it comes to your goals, no one achieves success alone. Teamwork is a crucial component, both as an internal team and aligning yourself with a partner. Think of it as a symphony: everyone working in harmony for a common goal. A good partner is one that listens to your needs, understands your problems, and works alongside you to create a solution.

Likewise, a partner can help your team get on the same page by creating a plan to ensure your image, messaging, and presence is the same across multiple platforms. They can act as a checks and balance system, to reinforce consistency each step of the way.


The best way to take an unfiltered look at your current brand and how it is communicated to customers is through an audit. This process entails gathering all assets and messaging, and looking at every touchpoint as part of a cohesive package. Do visitors to your booth space at a trade show have the same experience they do when they visit your lobby? Where are there gaps in communication and how can we work to fix them as we work toward consistency?


Exploring new options for your brand’s presence is a great way to get the word out about your company. This could mean finding new trade shows to attend, or to create a showroom or experience center to host clients in your facility. Chicago Pneumatic recently did just that: they not only transitioned to a single exhibit house, but they also completed a new showroom. Taking a measured, calculated approach to expansion can lead to positive results down the road. Think about the ways you can invest in your message to speak directly to your audience in the best possible way.

Want to learn more about how Chicago Pneumatic achieved that all-important brand consistency? Read their case study!


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