Team Exhibit Concepts: Checking in on Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon Training

For many employees at Exhibit Concepts, the Oklahoma City Memorial & Museum is one of the most meaningful museum projects we’ve ever completed. The 17,000 square foot facility opened in 2001, serving as a learning institution consisting of permanent and temporary exhibits, artifacts from the bombing, and the Memorial archives. Because of the lasting impact the facility has on our company and our ongoing support of its mission, Exhibit Concepts is sponsoring eight employees to run and walk the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon on April 28, 2019. The Marathon event is the Memorial Museum’s largest fundraiser, and it’s about much more than running: it’s a celebration of life.

With race day just a few weeks away, we checked in with some of our employees to see how they are faring with their race training. Has the frigid Ohio winter thrown a wrench in their outdoor runs? Are they following a training plan or just winging it? Here’s what they had to say:

“Training is going well so far. As well as it can for a slightly out of shape, almost middle-aged beginner, that is! My main focus is to just not injure myself while training. Listening more closely to my body has been a surprising challenge. The urge to push hard is there and I’ve had to consciously force myself not to. I’ve been able to build a solid physical base and a confident frame of mind by setting and attaining smaller, increasingly more difficult goals. I’m hoping this plan is enough to carry me across the finish line.” –Tony Accrocco, Designer

“I try to get a minimum number of steps a day. However, having a goal in mind is pushing me to increase those steps daily.” – Regina Henning, Account Manager

“I’m loosely following a training plan, and it’s going well so far! I’m always surprised and impressed by the people who can run an entire marathon.” Priscilla Esatto, Designer

“I took a few training plans I found and combined them to make something that fits my lifestyle and schedule restraints. It’s been going well so far, except for running in the cold!” – Misty Boyd, Project Manager

Good luck to all of our runners and walkers for their upcoming race. We’ll check in with them after the race for a recap!


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