Mini eBook: Sales and Marketing at Six Feet Apart

With many states in the U.S. imposing restrictions on large group gatherings, requiring social distancing, and mandating facial coverings, Sales and Marketing teams are having to rethink and reinvent their approach.

Here are eight ways to achieve your face-to-face marketing goals…from six feet apart.

1: Buyer Personas

A good first step is to revisit and update your buyer personas in light of COVID related restrictions. How have the businesses that you target fared over the past year? Are they thriving or have they faced budget cuts and layoffs? Have your top target companies imposed travel restrictions? Are your targets working from home or have they returned to the office? As is always the case with buyer personas, your goal is to envision a day in the life of your buyer and to put yourself in their shoes as a technique to understand effective ways to reach them. If they are unable to travel, working from home and likely inundated with digital messages, is email your best bet to get your message through?

For 2-8, download the full mini eBook HERE! 


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