‘If you look for good, you will find it.’ Our COVID-19 Silver Linings

Silver Linings Hero

I could go on and on about how COVID has negatively impacted our daily lives, our long-term plans, our businesses, our mental and physical health, our industries, our economy… the longer this goes on, the longer the list getsBut I am a firm believer that if you look for the negative, you will find it. But more importantly, if you look for the good, you will find that, too.

So, in an effort to focus on the positive and find the good in a less than ideal situation—several weeks ago we asked our team at Exhibit Concepts, “What’s been the silver lining of being quarantined and staying home?”  

The response was overwhelming with such wholesome, uplifting, and humorous responsesenjoy a recap of our incredibly persistent and dedicated team:

As we continue to navigate this chapter of our lives, remember: 

“If you are positive, you’ll see opportunities instead of obstacles.” Widad Akrawi 

What has been the positive silver lining of your quarantine 


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