Creating a Welcoming Environment in Montgomery County, Ohio

When it comes to the spaces where we live, work, and play, first impressions matter. A building is a canvas where every element should convey a brand’s character and culture. Whether it’s a corporate lobby that introduces guests to your company or a showroom that puts your company’s products on display, the look and feel of an experiential environment is an incredibly important communication tool about your organization, what you stand for and what your client’s can expect when working with you.

In Montgomery County, Ohio, the Montgomery County Job & Family Services facility is no exception to the importance of a space. This county office provides coordinated government services for county residents, including Federal and State Public Assistance programs; Federal, State, and County Medical Assistance; Federal, State, and local service and day care programs and Federal and State Support Enforcement programs. Needless to say, it’s a busy place.

The large facility, which was recently renovated, houses many departments and providers in one sprawling building. Officials at Montgomery County were pleased with the updated interior, but felt it need a little something: to make people feel welcome. Enter our Corporate Interiors group. Our team worked alongside Montgomery County Job & Family Services to put together a plan that would create a consistent, colorful and inspirational environment.

There were a few goals for this project. The first was to reinforce the color coding for each department, but improve upon it with wayfinding signage that made it easy for visitors to find the proper department for their needs. The second was to incorporate graphics throughout in order to make the building feel welcoming. Our graphics team used images of families along with color treatments to add the human element. This was complimented by quotes from Dayton locals that can be found throughout the building as well.

The result? A colorful, easy to navigate, welcoming environment for all who step foot inside. Want to learn more about the Montgomery County Job & Family Services facility and our team’s work? Watch the video below or learn more about our Corporate Interiors work, HERE.


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