Abbott Nutrition

Exhibits & Events

Since 1984, our partnership with Abbott has spurred innovative booths that showcase Abbott’s products as the hero on the trade show floor. For more than 30 years, Exhibit Concepts has worked closely with Abbott to better understand their brand, products and messaging. This partnership has allowed us to not only become a vendor for Abbott, but a partner in their global positioning as an industry leader.

From creative designs to engagements such as product sampling, photo booths or Plinko boards, Exhibit Concepts has consistently provided Abbott with cutting-edge solutions.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Abbott took a bold approach to AAP with side-by-side booths. The first booth took a traditional approach, offering physical product showcasing and graphic panels to educate attendees on Abbott’s role in the industry. Across the aisle, attendees were greeted with a far more tech-savvy display. The booth was crowned with a hanging LED sign that featured custom-made, hyper-realistic animations. Additionally, a vertical LED tower offering expert testimonials drew crowds in further.

Once inside, attendees engaged with four separate touchscreen monitors. Further into the booth, a pair of RFID-enabled touchscreens allowed visitors to choose their educational path and learn more about Abbott’s offerings and role in nutritional health. The tech-heavy booth created an experience for visitors to fully immerse themselves in Abbott’s reputation and engage in their life-changing work. 

Nutrition and Growth Conference (N&G)

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Clinical Nutrition Week (CNW)

Clinical Nutrition Week (CNW)

Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE)