Physical Engagement

Creating curiosity. It’s at the center of what we do. Our world is becoming an increasingly busy place, from social media to streaming, our attention has never been more divided. That’s why the NEXT Lab team has become experts in physical engagements. Whether it’s an interaction that draws an audience or a game that keeps crowds engaged, find out how the NEXT Lab team can create your next unforgettable moment.

Sensory Triggers

Using the unknown to establish the unforgettable. Prepare to draw an audience at your next event by using engaging and fun interactions. From simple buttons to complex magnetic and proximity sensors, we’re at the center of innovation. 

Magnetic Sensors

Engagements triggered by magnetism.

RFID Activations

(Radio Frequency Identification)
Engagements triggered by individualized chip technology.

Proximity Sensors

Engagements triggered by motion activation.

Manual Activations

Engagements triggered by physical action.


A simple, physical button that triggers an engagement.

Magnetic Sensors

Similar to a button, mechanism that requires manual, magnetic trigger to play an engagement.


(Radio Frequency Identification) Mechanism that triggers an engagement through an individualized chip reader.


Mechanism that triggers an engagement through motion activation.

Experiential Rental

Engaging audiences doesn’t have to come with a high cost. Let NEXT Lab deliver unforgettable experiences through our wide inventory of rental property. From media players to interactive, wireless lighting, we’re ready to create your next “WOW!” moment.

Media players

Devices that play produced, digital content.

Wireless Lighting

Lighting options that offer customization and interactivity.

Customized Furniture

Rental properties designed for your needs.

Adaptive Modularity

Physical structures that can be adapted to offer unique solutions.

Media players

Device that plays produced, visual content.

Interactive & Wireless Lighting

Customizable, decorative lighting used to highlight assets, properties.

Customizable Furniture

Ability to customize furniture, properties for specialized and engaging purposes.

BeMatrix Adaptability

Customizable paneling, structure options designed to maximize engagement, branding.

Flooring Customization

Flooring flexibility designed to engage audiences.


Looking to take your engagement to the next level? NEXT Lab is at the forefront of the gamification movement. From custom creations to nostalgic reminders of yesteryear, the only thing that’s holding your branded experience back is a worthy opponent.  

Manual Branded

Physical gaming options that can be customized and optimized for engagement.

Lead-Generating Game Engagements

Gaming options that can serve as engagements and as lead-generating services.

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