Why You Need a Trade Show Specific Creative Brief

Coworkers Collaborating

One of the most popular resources on our website is the creative brief. It’s been downloaded four times more often than any other resource, and for good reason. We can all agree it’s critical to get clarity around objectives and messaging for a successful marketing project. The creative brief helps people to do just that.

But we also received suggestions about other elements to include in the brief when planning for a trade show, such as build type and display requirements. It became clear to us that there was a need for a more detailed creative brief. So, we made those edits and created a second, trade show specific template. Over some time, we continued taking feedback and making edits so our template is up-to-date and in-line with our clients’ needs.

Now there are two resources:

When you need something more general, perhaps at the start of a larger campaign, you can use The Marketing Campaign Creative Brief Template and when you need to prepare a brief specific to a trade show you can use The Trade Show Creative Brief Template.

The most important thing is that you use the brief to clarify your objectives and situation and use it as a communication tool to the rest of your team.


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