Vocabulary of Virtual | Digital Trade Show Glossary

For event marketing professionals, the past year has been a roller coaster. From a total halt of face-to-face experiences to cautious optimism for in-person events, it has been a trying time for the industry. However, during this time, a digital revolution has been taking place. We are now learning, normalizing, and integrating virtual events into all aspects of experiences. But with this new change comes new terminology, that is proving foreign to many.

If you’ve had success in launching any virtual (or digital) event, you’ve likely learned that how we talk about, and reference, virtual events varies from person to person. What “hybrid” means to one person, may be something completely different to another. And what even is a “sitemap” or “wireframe”? And can someone explain the difference between “augmented reality” and “virtual reality” again?

If you are wondering about some of these questions, hopefully this Vocabulary of Virtual glossary will provide you with the answers.

We went straight to the experts, our NEXT Lab team, to get to the bottom of some of these misunderstood terms. From digital engagements to analytics, we are breaking down some of the most commonly used lingo.

Exhibit Concepts’ dynamic, experiential and creative team dedicated to the strategy and alignment of the client’s vision to develop a unique digital and virtual experience.

NEXT Lab’s family of digital experiences and strategies for the next generation of face-to-face marketing. 

Data Driven

Think “crunching the numbers.” Analytics is the analysis of data. Effective analytics uncovers patterns or trends leading to decision making. 

Used to create a marketing plan. Helps identify goals for an event.

Used to analyze campaigns promoting an event. Can include email open rates, registrations, etc.

Examines event metrics. Can include attendance, lead generation, etc.  

Analysis of specific event participation, engagement, clicks, etc.  

Analysis of time period in which on-demand content is available. 

Map showing specific digital engagement. Includes navigation, scrolling, click rates, etc.

Virtual Virtuoso

Digital experience that aims to replicate in-person events.

Combination of both traditional in-person event and virtual event. Same content delivered to different (in-person and virtual) audiences.

Digital element superimposed into the real world. 

Digital, three-dimensional simulation that allows users to physically interact with the environment. Requires special equipment such as a helmet, goggles or gloves.

Digital recreation of a real world, physical space. Often used in Virtual Events.

Online, web-based seminar, forum or panel.

Webinar that has been recorded in advance of its debut.

The digital transmission of a webinar live to an audience. Often viewed as the most interactive option.

A digital representation of a computer user. It may be a three-dimensional figure, or a two-dimensional image used in online forums.

Sharing Specifics

A resource that outlines where assets live within a platform.

A document used to develop creative deliverables: visual design, copy, advertising, websites, etc.

A resource that dictates a layout to be used within other documents.

The ability for two or more people to share the same application concurrently.

A measurement of how much data is delivered online. Bandwidth is measured in bits and bytes, most often in megabits per second (mbps).

The sharing of documents from one computer (or user) to another. Can be as simple as an email exchange, physical storage device or third-party cloud system.

A visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website. 

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Our experts take on commonly misunderstood words.

If you’re still feeling stumped, do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We are eager to help you kickoff your next virtual or physical event.


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