Faces of ECI: Meet Mike Werthmann

We believe creativity doesn’t reside in one department; it permeates everything we do. Faces of ECI highlights the talent behind memorable, magical experiential environments.

In our first installment, we’re featuring Mike Werthmann, a designer behind graphic designs for Exhibit Concepts marketing collateral and client experiences.

1. What year did you start working for ECI?
I started as a temp in 2017 and came on-board officially in early 2018.

2. What role do you play for ECI?
I design graphics, motion graphics, and create miscellaneous 2D designs for both clients and ECI Marketing.

3. Where do you find inspiration?
Music, Reddit, and people farther along on their path than I am.

4. What are your top three favorite projects?
The Scot Forge Space Invaders Game I created with John Conley, our Engagement Technologist, for the 2019 Space Symposium. I love retro video games and Scot Forge is always open to new ideas, and are super fun to work with. Working with John is always great because I believe we’re cut from the same cloth.

I also really enjoyed working with the Navy Seals Museum on their WW2 exhibit. It was my first time creating a graphic layout design for ECI and I was able to work on the graphic panels and develop the interactives for the Weapons Kiosk. I’m really fascinated by WW2 and it was exciting to share with family once it was finished.

My third favorite project is under-wraps. It’s a motion graphics job that requires me to learn new skills. How’s that for mystery and intrigue?

5. Your most proud moment with ECI?
It would have to be when my dad went to the Navy Seals Museum and took a bunch of videos and showed it to his friends. That was pretty cool.

6. What is your absolute dream job?
I’d be an animator for Adult Swim in between touring with my band, Abertooth Lincoln.

7. What are your secret (or not-so-secret) talents outside of the office?
I play the drums in two bands, YardBoss and Abertooth Lincoln, and I’ve been getting into character animation.

8. Tell us about a time you witnessed an ECI team member go above and beyond.
I regularly see Chris Rank’s (Senior Designer) passion for effective solutions pushing him well past what is required of him and into innovation land.

9. What is one WOW moment you’ve experience at ECI that you’ll never forget?
Seeing ECI’s 2018 EXHIBITORLIVE booth set-up in the back of our shop was a cool moment. Also, playing with VR (virtual reality) tech in John Conley’s office.

10. What’s your spirit animal and why?
Space rhinoceros. Because, POWER!

11. What food can you not live without?
Hummus or chocolate.

12. What is your greatest fear?
Space-Rhino Poachers

13. Most used emoji?
The cowboy hat smiley face.

14. If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
It would be turning water into coffee without any equipment. I don’t like waiting for coffee.


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