Faces of ECI: Meet Bradley Livesay

The “Faces of ECI” campaign highlights the incredible talent behind the memorable, magical branded environments that we produce for our clients.

In this installment, we’re featuring Bradley Livesay, NEXT Lab Director.

We were able to catch up with Bradley while he works from home to learn more about what motivates him professionally and inspires him daily.

1. What year did you start working for ECI?

I started in October 2016.

2. What role do you play for ECI?
I actually wear many hats. I dabble in Marketing,  numerous client projects and have recently been promoted to NEXT Lab Director. Every day is different in my world. I seem to find myself wherever there is a need for something technical, such as video, web development, etc.

3. Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration through people… hearing their needs and problems, then brainstorming unique solutions. I’ve always been a problem solver by default. And a helper. And a builder.

4. What are your top three favorite projects?

  • I developed nearly a hundred digital media assets for an Early Childhood Education Center in Mansfield, Texas called the Dr. Sarah Jandrucko Early Learners Academy. I attended the center’s debut to the teachers and I will forever remember their reactions. My wife is a teacher, so it had special meaning to me for several reasons.
  • Having the opportunity to create videos which are showcased in the NAVY Seals Museum was really awesome… as was the museum itself and meeting someone as iconic as Rick.
  • When I started at ECI the marketing team had zero collateral. Zero. Being able to work with this marketing team, build a brand identity from basically nothing (as in, I almost didn’t take the job because the website was so archaic) and to see how we represent ourselves now, just amazes me. A small and mighty team!

5. Your most proud moment with ECI?
My proudest moment is when I was asked to be on the NEXT Lab team and recently being promoted to the Director position. Knowing that I am able to take my skill set to new and uncharted waters really makes me feel special.

6. What is your absolute dream job?
This is not a joke. I am actually doing my dream job RIGHT NOW. I brag about it to my coworkers all the time. Being able to produce digital media, tell stories, build things, work on a computer, work with some of the smartest people–it is a dream job.

7. What are your secret (or not-so-secret) talents outside of the office?
In my opinion, I am a really good cook. I can whip up some great tacos and homemade margaritas, I fiddle around with some web development, and I’m also a baseball coach to my son’s team.

8. Tell us about a time you witnessed an ECI team member go above and beyond.
I have seen many folks go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to helping out fellow employees. The heart and soul some people have–the instinct they have to help someone else–is amazing. One example is the tornadoes that came through in the Miami Valley in 2019. It was all hands on deck, no questions asked.

9. What is one WOW moment you’ve experience at ECI that you’ll never forget?
The WOW moment that will always stick with me is… not one thing in particular, but getting to see everything that goes on inside the walls of the ECI. I do not think the general public realizes all the amazing projects produced here in Vandalia, Ohio. It really is a sight to see; the craftsmanship, skill, and passion that goes into every project. We build brands and handcraft monuments to our nation’s history. And I get to help tell those stories. It’s amazing.

10. What’s your spirit animal and why?
I am for sure a donkey–but not why you’re thinking. I am super messy but a hard worker. I don’t give up and most importantly work at my own pace (which is actually like a hare–I love working fast and being on deadline).

11. What food can you not live without?
I absolutely must have Tim Horton’s coffee, every single day.
And cheese. And olives. And olives stuffed with cheese.

12. What is your greatest fear?
Probably not being able to travel. And of course, something happening to a family member.

13. Most used emoji?

The one with just the eyeballs and no mouth. Showing no emotion, like me.

14. If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
I would want to read people’s minds. How awesome would that be!?


We hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the creative (& digital) life of Bradley! Stay tuned for his amazing work on our new NEXT Lab team! 


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