Birthplace of Aviation: The Wright Brothers National Museum

Wright Brothers National Museum

The story of aviation begins with two brothers from Dayton, Ohio. These two aviation pioneers, Wilbur and Orville Wright, were inventors, engineers, and true pioneers. The pair is credited with the invention, building, and flight of the world’s first successful airplane.

Their legacy left an impact the world over and their imprint is significant in Dayton, Ohio. The brothers’ home, Hawthorne Hill, and their bicycle shop are in Dayton, as was the John W. Berry Sr. Wright Brothers Aviation Center in Carillon Historical Park. That all changed recently, when Dayton became the official birthplace of aviation thanks to a federal designation.

Now, the center known as the Wright Brothers National Museum, complete with a designation from the National Parks Service. The new name and updated facility was recently unveiled in a ceremony held at Carillon Park in Dayton. The “National Museum” designation is the result of years of Congressional workings and approval from Congress, the executive branch, and the federal government.

The unveiling ceremony wasn’t just for the new designation, it also included a series of renovations to the Wright Cycle Co. building. This building houses the 1905 Wright Flyer III, the only airplane designated a National Historic Landmark and several other personal items from Wilbur and Orville Wright. Exhibit Concepts worked alongside Carillon Park staff to create graphics and display cases that updated the existing exhibits.


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