Trade Show Timeline: The Recipe for Success

How many different tasks and coordination points are there in a new trade show build? There are only two correct answers:  It Depends (our “unofficial motto”) and A Lot!

On the client side, there are many decisions to make and many constituents to consult along the way. These important choices include:

  • The decision to exhibit at a trade show
  • Booth location and size
  • Choosing products to showcase
  • Messages to communicate
  • Campaign theme

As you might imagine, this process is no easier on the exhibit house side. What are the client’s objectives? Our team works to source new materials, incorporate new engagement, designing and printing graphics, and even recommending which product to incorporate into the booth.

And the trade show is not going to wait.

So, how can you keep everything and everyone on schedule and moving toward a common goal? By developing and managing to a jointly-developed trade show timeline.

Whether you are working on a major new build or refreshing graphics on an existing booth property, adhering to the timeline you develop with your exhibit house reduces risk and provides peace of mind. It is a critical communication device that keeps all parties on the same page, especially with respect to deliverables and interdependencies.

A good timeline works as follows:

  • All critical deliverables are listed, especially those requiring approvals
  • For each deliverable, the responsible party is named along with the due date
  • Sign-off on the timeline indicates agreement to work diligently to meet dates
  • Regular reviews and reminders of upcoming deliverables

The benefits of a well-run timeline are peace of mind, project readiness, accurate and dependable delivery and an overall ROI for the client. A successful show experience depends on it.

Want more information on the importance of timelines? Here are 4 reasons your trade show needs a timeline.


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