Briefing Centers

Executive Briefing Center Services

Exhibit Concepts (ECI) offers a wide array of services to support the creation of Executive Briefing Centers (EBC’s) across the USA and abroad. Our services include, but are not limited to these primary categories:

  • Interpretive Planning / Master Planning
  • Design & Creative Development
  • Custom Technology Solutions
  • Content Creation, Design, & Production
  • Graphic Design & Production
  • Architectural & Theatrical Lighting
  • Fabrication & Installation
  • Engagements & Interactives
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Testimony by: Ronnie Gibson

Experience in the Briefing Center World

Exhibit Concepts (ECI) is well-established, and has been designing and fabricating experiential environments for more than forty years! For many of those years, ECI has been producing executive briefing centers for many outstanding brands. Our various team members have specific expertise in designing, consulting, and planning for EBC’s, creating unique, custom interactive engagements, project managing, and providing world-class fabrication. We understand the unique needs and specialized requirements essential to creating successful briefing center programs.

Our Approach to Briefing Centers

Exhibit Concepts (ECI) follows a process-centered approach when creating an executive briefing center. The process (see diagram below) has proven successful over the years, and helps to ensure outstanding outcomes. Certainly, it is critical that our team members have the right level of experience and knowledge as they engage with our client stakeholder teams. But, the process, directed by a senior project manager, helps everyone to stay in alignment – and ensures that best practices are followed.

Experience Model


Lobby Display Column

Video of engagement #1 in the series: NEXT Lab – A Behind the Scenes Look at Several Interactive Experiences

Flood Simulation Experience

Video of engagement #2 in the series: NEXT Lab – A Behind the Scenes Look at Several Interactive Experiences

Pump Equipment Lab

Video of engagement #3 in the series: NEXT Lab – A Behind the Scenes Look at Several Interactive Experiences